Exhibition on Screen: Van Gogh - Költők és szeretők
Van Gogh: Poets & Lovers
English art documentary, 90 min, 2024
in English with Hungarian subtitles
Van Gogh: Poets & Lovers
English art documentary, 90 min, 2024
in English with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, March 30 2025 11:00AM
Director: David Bickerstaff
200 years after its opening and a century after acquiring its first Van Gogh works, the National Gallery is hosting the UK’s biggest ever Van Gogh exhibition. Van Gogh is not only one of the most beloved artists of all time, but perhaps the most misunderstood.
This film is a chance to reexamine and better understand this iconic artist. Focusing on his unique creative process, Van Gogh: Poets & Lovers explores the artist’s years in the south of France, where he revolutionised his style. Van Gogh became consumed with a passion for storytelling in his art, turning the world around him into vibrant, idealised spaces and symbolic characters.
Poets and lovers filled his imagination; everything he did in the south of France served this new obsession. In part, this is what caused his notorious breakdown, but it didn’t hold back his creativity as he created masterpiece after masterpiece. Explore one of art history’s most pivotal periods in this once-in-a-century show. Made in close collaboration with the National Gallery.
More information about the season of Exhibition On Screen >>
Ticket information
Ticket price: 3600 HUF
For students, pensioners, teachers: 3200 HUF
Tickets are available at the Cassa of the Urania National Filmtheater (open every day, Credit Cards are accepted) and in the Ticket Sale System of Interticket (available in English too)
A Budapesti Operettszínház új bemutatója egyesíti az operett műfajának legnemesebb hagyományait és a Nagymező utcai teátrum lenyűgöző, 21. századi színpadi látványvilágát. Kálmán Imre világsikerű darabjának premierje a 2025-ös év egyik legjobban várt eseménye. Az előadás premierje 2025.02.21-22-23-án lesz, február hónapban 8 alkalommal látható.
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