
Anilogue Extra: Anzu, a szellemmacska

Anilogue Extra: Anzu, a szellemmacska

Japanese-French animated film, 97 min, 2024
in Japanese with Hungarian and English subtitles

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, December 29 2024 4:00PM

Director: Yôko Kuno, Nobuhiro Yamashita

Karin, 11 years old, is abandoned by her father at her grandfather’s house, the monk of a small town in the Japanese countryside. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful although rather capricious ghost cat, to look after her. The meeting of their strong characters causes sparks, at least at the beginning…

Ticket information:


Standard ticket: 2,900 HUF.
The discounted ticket price for students and pensioners is HUF 2,500.
(The discount can only be validated when buying tickets at the box office, with proof of entitlement.)
The ticket price in the Hippolyt, Aranyláz, A Táncz, Casablanca and Meseautó lodges is HUF 3,900.

Our offer

Premierkoncertünkön ezúttal a nagy klasszikus filmzenék esnek áldozatul Janklovics Péter humor-pörölyének, amellyel szétcsap a Star Wars, a Harry Potter vagy épp a Cápa jól ismert dallamai közt.

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